Teens and Acupuncture

When people learn I’m an acupuncturist their response is either, “Oh, I loooove acupuncture”, or “Oh, that’s interesting.  I’ve never tried it but hear people love it.” If the conversation continues, both parties are often surprised to learn I specialize in the field of mental health and even more surprised to learn I work with teens at a long term residential program where I offer acupuncture to clients once a week. If the conversation moves to this stage a flurry of questions and murmurs of appreciation follows.

Curious Person:So you give the clients acupuncture for what, substance abuse?”

Me: “Sometimes, sure, but more commonly the clients are there for anxiety, depression, ptsd, self-harm, suicidal ideation, or some combination of these common challenges teens face today.”

Curious Person: “ Wow, and that helps?”

Me: “Absolutely, and the clients love it. I commonly hear that acupuncture is their favorite part of the program. While most of them come in trepidatious, or explicitly scared “it will hurt”, the first time we meet, 99% of the clients who try it look forward to it each week. They completely open up to the process and share they notice remarkable differences as a result.

In addition to acupuncture, I also offer cupping, ear seeds, essential oils, and mindfulness practices. We often have conversations exploring how they relate to their mental health, their physical bodies and try to bridge the gap between the two. I play great music and hold healing space that essentially shifts something for each person as soon as they walk into the room. Don’t get me wrong, they are often VERY skeptical of me and what I am doing there but quickly learn they are in a safe, nurturing space. Acupuncture is not mandatory so anyone coming to see me is there because they chose to be there”.

Curious Person: “Wow, that’s incredible. How lucky for them, teens really need all the help they can get.”

Everyday I go to work I feel like the lucky one. It is an honor to hold space with these vulnerable young people and I am constantly learning from them as they navigate the unpredictable, turbulent, and often frightening, life experiences they face. I feel privileged to work with teens in a meaningful way offering support as they acclimate and delve into their therapeutic process at the residential program.

Many of these conversations about my work will progress to anecdotal stories about an adolescent loved one struggling with anxiety and/or depression, or a far more somber share about someone who has tragically lost a loved one to the growing number of deaths by suicide.  Everyone agrees there is grave concern about the undeniable mental health epidemic teens, and their loved ones, are facing today. The statistics are sobering and the solutions complicated.

I have recently re-opened my private practice with the intensions of supporting anyone struggling with their mental health, with an emphasis on teens and their loved ones. My goal is to help these young people, and their families, manage the challenges they’re facing before it gets so severe, a residential program feels like their best option.

If you, or a teen you care about, is struggling with their mental health there are many options for support, acupuncture is just one of them. This is why I work closely with therapists, doctors and family members when necessary. I have a high regard for meeting people where they are and I am humbled by the courage, strength, and perseverance I see each day I work with my clients. Thank you for showing up and doing your work. And if you’re reading this and feeling the call to try acupuncture to support your mental health, I am here for you when you’re ready.

In good health,



How I began working with teens and mental health