~Our team~

Acupuncturist, Teen Advocate

Erin Levinthal, MS, LAc

Erin Levinthal, M.S., L.Ac., the founder of Mosaic Medicine, is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Clinical Herbalist with her Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She was drawn into the field after a decade of working in somatic body work and wanted to go deeper with her clients. She practices with curiosity and appreciation rooted in her own experience with acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and is repeatedly in awe of the alchemy that occurs when clients seek support. While Erin enjoys working with all ages, in recent years she has specialized working with teens and young adults struggling with mental health challenges. She helps her clients shift blockages while offering new perspectives in re-framing their relationship to their mental health, empowering them to transform and evolve their challenges into their greatest strengths and gifts.


Joy Peanut Love Snuggles

Joy is a small Goldendoodle put on this earth to snuggle, chase balls, cuddle, and eat. She is a patient, loving, therapeutic pup who comes to the office to support anyone who may benefit from her healing energy.